Notities/Ubuntu discussies
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29 jul 2020
- Engels
Thanks for being so friendly to the newbies. I'm Esme and I had been
keeping an eye on the mailing list for awhile now.
When I first thought of contributing I was thrown off quite greatly by the number of channels where documentation could be found. For example, this contribute guide that I tried to use to contribute ( ), I noticed, isn't part of the CommunityWiki. However it is the first page that comes up for me if I googled "Ubuntu contribute" and so I've had a want to amend these wiki, at the very least to point new users in the right direction. I noticed that Canonical have since created many new ways to engage with its community and wiki (Discourse vs UbuntuForums; CommunityWiki vs wiki.Ubuntu vs 'Official docs'), I'd like to update these contribute docs. At the very least I would like to update information like this so that the barrier to entry doesn't involve patiently trying to understand which contains the most relevant information.
To start this I have these questions: Can I ask what purpose the wiki.ubuntu serves in the context of documentation for contributing? Is there also anything Doug or Gunnar would like me to add into the wiki for contributing? You guys are Cannonical devs and I suspect that you two will have the clearest idea for what the intent for new contributors to look through will be.
I appreciate that these questions are vague. Quite honestly I'd be happy to update another contribute guide if they served the purpose of outlining contribute workflows better. These sources have been quite overwhelming, I hope that in the devs (or someone knowledgeable really) answering this, we could try to solve the tangled sources and to make contributing more about time focused on solving the problem as opposed to trying to understand what the workflow/toolchain to contributing really is.